Developed by John Lyons

Ultimate Travel Guide

One app, for all your travel guides. Quickly and easily add as many travel guides as you want to this great little app. And it is free to check out. Only available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Currently includes guides for Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United States, United Kingdom and Vietnam.

The greatest travel guides around

One app works on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

One app for all your guides

One app for all your guides. Using in-app purchasing, one app can contain all your guide, and you can quickly and easily switch between each one. Add as many apps as you want.

New updates every week

Every week we add new material, now you will automaticall get this. This includes country details, more must see locations, more photos, and a lot more.

All the Must See locations

All the must see locations that you simply have to see, enough to keep you busy for weeks. All the hot spots for famous cities, and interesting locations in short distances.

Includes pictures of each location, information and history, prices, how to get there, as well as a map. Our system lets you mark your favorites to plan your day, rate each location and much more.

Country info

All the country information you need to know before you start planning your journey, and to help you once you are there.

Information includes cites details, travel tips, history, when to go, health consideration, utilities and public holiday details, passport and visa, money matters, getting there and getting around, links to websites, and lists of facts. As well we have conversion charts, general travel tips, travel checklist, wikitravel page for each location, distance estimator, and search the entire guide.

All the upcoming Events

A complete list of all the big events happening in each place, including major festivals and fairs, carnivals and sporting events.

Handy to check before you head off, or when you get there. We give you information about when the event is, what it is about, and where to see it.

Up to date country information

On one single screen, we give you current weather for your destination, the time and date, as well as currency conversion.

You can customise this screen to show weather for any location, change the timezones, and change the currenct you would like converted.

Travel blog

Each guide includes a fully contained travel blog. You can keep everyone at home updated on what you are doing, right from the app.

Each entry it written to a webpage every time you have internet access. Send a link to friends and family, and they can follow your progress on your trip.

Travel checklist

A simple to use travel checklist, that reminds you of the major points you will need to think about before heading off.

Quickly and easily mark of what you have done.

Offline and Online maps

Includes offline maps for each location, including a country map, city map and public transport map. These maps can be used anytime, no need for internet access.

Also includes google maps integrated to the app, so you can quickly see how to get to each location.

Lots more locations

Not just must see locations, but the app features 1000s of other useful locations, including hotels, museums, places to eat and much more.

Created for offline use

Almost all the options in this app can be used offline, so you do not need to worry about using data or having wifi everywhere you go. You can use the app at anytime, including on the plane.

Google maps requires internet access, but you can cache these maps so you do not need the internet when away form the hotel.